The Ultimate Quick Start Guide to Launching Your Dental Membership Plan

So, you've decided to start a dental membership plan. High five!

This could be a game-changer for your practice and your patients. But now, the real work begins. Don't worry - we're here to guide you through every step with this handy quick start guide! Ready? Let's dive in!

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Clarify Your Financial Goals

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Before you dive into the details, get clear on what you want to achieve. What's your financial goal? Do you want to increase revenue? Improve patient loyalty? Grow your practice? Knowing your "why" will help you shape your membership plan.

Think beyond the obvious. How will this plan impact your long-term financial health? Could it allow you to reinvest in new technology, expand your services, or even open a new location? Will it help you reduce reliance on insurance reimbursements? The clearer you are on your financial goals, the better you can tailor your membership plan to meet them.

Know Your Patients

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Who are your patients, and what do they need? The services you include should align with your patient demographics. For example, if you have a lot of senior patients, consider offering restorative services like dentures. If you see a lot of families, focus on preventative care and maybe even throw in a referral discount for orthodontics. The better you know your patients, the better your plan will serve them.

Take a deep dive into your patient data. What are the most common procedures you perform? Which services do patients skip because of cost concerns? This information will help you create a plan that not only meets your patients' needs but also encourages them to seek out the care they might otherwise postpone. 

Consider conducting a patient survey or focus group to gather insights directly from your patient base. Understanding their pain points and preferences can guide you in designing a plan that truly resonates with them.

Draft Your Dream Plan

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Now, it's time for the fun part! Start outlining your plan. What services will you offer? How much will it cost? Will you offer both monthly and annual options? Should you include a special promotion for new patients? Sketch out your ideal plan and get ready to make it a reality.

What services Should I include in my membership Plan?

Preventative care

This is the bread and butter of any dental membership plan. Almost everyone starts with two cleanings, two exams, and one set of x-rays a year. These are the essentials for maintaining good oral health and are services that every patient needs.

Add-on options

Depending on your patient base, you might want to include additional services. Think about cosmetic treatments like teeth whitening or fluoride treatments for kids. If you offer periodontal services, a Perio Maintenance Plan could be an excellent option for those needing regular specialized care. The key is to tailor your offerings to what your patients value most.

Demographic-specific plans

Consider creating different plans for different groups. For example, a Child Plan could include fluoride treatments and dental sealants. An Adult Plan might focus on regular cleanings and whitening treatments. A Senior Plan could include discounts on dentures or other restorative procedures. This way, you can cater to the specific needs of your patient base.

Calculate your costs

Start by adding up the cost of the services you plan to include in your membership. This should give you a baseline figure. 

how should i price my membership Plan?

Pricing is where the magic happens. It's the sweet spot between offering value to your patients and ensuring your profitability for your practice.

Add value, not just discounts

While some practices opt to reduce their total fees by around 15%, it's essential to ensure that the perceived value of the plan is high. Patients should feel like they're getting a great deal, but you should still be earning more than you would through insurance reimbursements.

Consider your goals

If your goal is to attract new patients, you might price your plan a bit lower to be more competitive. If you're more focused on converting existing patients to your plan, ensure that the pricing reflects the value they're already used to but with added benefits.

Offer flexibility

Provide both monthly and annual payment options. Some patients prefer smaller monthly payments, while others might appreciate the simplicity of an annual fee. Flexibility can be a significant selling point.

Market - based adjustments

Remember that the price you set should also reflect your market. Practices in more affluent areas might price their plans higher, while those in areas with a higher uninsured population might benefit from more competitive pricing on their membership plans.

Choose the Right Software

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Here's a big decision: Will you manage your plan in-house, or will you team up with a software platform like DentalHQ? Spoiler alert: A software partner can make your life a lot easier. We handle patient details, auto-charging, renewals and more - so you can focus on what you do best: caring for your patients.

Managing a membership plan in-house might seem like a cost-saving move at first, but it often leads to increased administrative burdens. From tracking payments to managing renewals and handling patient inquiries, the workload can add up fast. 

With DentalHQ, all of these tasks are automated. Our platform handles the heavy lifting, ensuring that your membership plan runs smoothly and efficiently. Plus, our team is always here to provide support and guidance, so you're never left in the dark. It's about working smarter, not harder.

Get Your Team Onboard

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Share your plan with a few trusted team members first, then get their feedback. Once the final draft is ready, hold a team meeting to explain the details. Make sure everyone knows their role in making the plan a success. 

Your team is your greatest asset in launching a successful membership plan.

They're the ones who will be on the front lines, explaining the plan to patients and handling day-to-day operations. 

Make sure they're fully trained and comfortable with the plan before it launches. Provide them with scripts, FAQs, and other resources they can use when talking to patients. And remember, a little enthusiasm goes a long way. If your team is excited about the plan, your patients will be too. 

Build a Strong Marketing Plan

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Marketing is the key to a successful launch of your membership plan. Most patients don't know what a dental membership plan is, so it's up to you to educate them. Highlight the benefits and make it clear why your plan is a no-brainer.

Start by identifying the best channels to reach your patients. Social media, email newsletters, and in-office signage are all great places to start. Create content that explains what a membership plan is, how it works, and why it's beneficial. 

Consider offering limited time promotions or discounts to encourage early sign-ups. Testimonials from satisfied patients can also be a powerful marketing tool. And don't forget to track your results. Pay attention to what's working and adjust your strategy as needed. 

Set a Launch Date

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You're almost there! Once your marketing plan is in place, set a date for your big launch. Double-check everything, and then go for it! You've got this!

Choose a launch date that gives you enough time to build momentum but doesn't leave too much time for interest to wane. A two-week lead-up is often ideal. This gives you time to build excitement without dragging things out too long.

Make sure your team is ready, your marketing materials are in place, and your patients are primed and ready to sign up. And don't forget to celebrate your launch! A successful membership plan is a big achievement, and it's worth taking a moment to acknowledge your hard work. 

Why Choose DentalHQ?

We're not just another software platform - we're your partner in success. With DentalHQ, you can get your plan up and running in as little as 8 minutes. Our platform simplifies everything, from patient management to marketing, so you can focus on growing your practice and taking care of your patients. Plus, our support team is always here to help you every step of the way. 

Ready to take the plunge? 
Watch or schedule a demo with us today, and let's get your dental membership plan off the ground!

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