A dental membership plan can save your practice time and generate significant revenue, but before those benefits kick in, you need to market it effectively. We’ve compiled The Ultimate Dental Membership Plan Marketing Checklist to help you reach your audience and drive growth. Your practice should begin each year with a clear roadmap: where you […]

Marketing, Membership Plan Growth

February 5, 2024

The Ultimate Dental Membership Plan Marketing Checklist

DentalHQ, the leading software platform for successful dental membership plans, is pleased to announce its recent endorsement by the Texas Dental Association (TDA) Perks Program. DentalHQ will collaborate with TDA Financial Services, Inc. (marketed as “TDA Perks Program”), a wholly-owned affiliate of TDA, to provide membership plan automation to TDA members. As dental insurance companies […]


July 25, 2023

DentalHQ Partners with Texas Dental Association Perks Program

And How Posting on Your Blog Helps You! “You should be actively posting on your practice’s blog” might be the last thing you feel like hearing after a long day of dental work. But, you really should. Blogging for your dental practice offers a powerful way to grow your patient base, increase engagement, and showcase […]

Dental Practice Growth, Marketing

September 13, 2022

45 Blog Topics for Your Dental Website